Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Pictures and Gifts

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Here are some nice Christmas pictures for you to enjoy -- you are most welcome to drop a comment below, which particular pictures do you like the most.

You can get a bigger size of these pictures just by clicking on them (and also get some new fresh ideas on possible Christmas gifts if you wish).








































Eva Fraser's Facial Workout (Penguin Health Care & Fitness)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Вторая рабочая конференция компании «МИТОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ»

Newsletter of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007, July-August issue, page 6.

Вторая рабочая конференция компании «МИТОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ»

В «Вестнике Геронтологического общества РАН» (№ 3-4 (102-103) за март-апрель 2007 г. мы сообщали о первых результатах наиболее масштабного из отечественных биотехнологических проектов. Напомним, что речь идет о финансируемом О.В. Дерипаской проекте компании «Митотехнология», целью которого является создание средства контроля патологий, связанных со старением. Руководит проектом академик РАН В.П. Скулачев. Основная идея проекта была описана в предыдущей публикации. Суть ее в использовании ионов Скулачева – органических гидрофобных катионов, которые, специфически накапливаясь в митохондриях, подавляют наиболее активные очаги свободнорадикального окисления. Важно при этом, что в других частях клетки концентрация ионов Скулачева ничтожна, и они не оказывают заметного влияния на полезные клеточные процессы.

С 27 по 28 августа в Москве (МГУ) проходила вторая рабочая конференция, тема которой была сформулирована руководством проекта как «От Homo sapiens к Homo sapiens discatenatus» Последнее словосочетание можно перевести как «человек разумный раскованный». Использовать это достаточно амбициозное название позволили результаты комплексных испытаний наиболее перспективного из синтезированных в ходе проекта препаратов – SkQ 1. В этом году на формулу препарата, представляющего собой бинарную молекулу, в которой трифенилфосфоний соединен с одним из природных хинонов, был получен российский патент. Поданы заявки еще на 8 патентов. Также была опубликована международная заявка, что является необходимым условием подтверждения приоритета российских ученых.

Состав докладчиков был весьма представительным. Особенно хочется отметить участие в конференции наших соотечественников, работающих в мировых научных центрах: Кима Льюиса (Northeastern University), Натальи и Леонида Гавриловых (University of Chicago), Алексея Рязанова (UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School) и многих других.

Обсуждение полученных к лету 2007 года результатов было одной из главных задач конференции. Важнейшим практическим результатом стало получение разрешения на наружное применение SkQ1. Кроме того подана заявка в Минсельхоз РФ на капли SkQ1 как лекарство от глазных болезней животных. Эффективность такого применения препарата подтверждена клиническими испытаниями. Научные исследования показали способность SkQ1 корректировать самые разные патологии, связанные со старением. Прежде всего, испытания геропротекторного действия вещества подтвердили его способность продлять молодость лабораторных мышей. Напомним, что с точки зрения геронтологии молодость – это период, когда вероятность смерти животного не увеличивается с возрастом. У стандартных для таких исследований мышей этот период продолжается около 200 дней, у мышей, получавших SkQ1 он увеличивается до 400 дней.

Уменьшение зависящей от возраста смертности проявляется и в подавлении ряда распространенных старческих заболеваний. Испытанный учеными препарат тормозит ретинопатии (болезни сетчатки), увеит и катаракту и обращает их развитие; тормозит глаукому; уменьшает зону инфаркта миокарда; снимает сердечную аритмию; уменьшает зону инсульта; спасает от инфаркта почки; тормозит дегенерацию тимуса, развитие лимфом и некоторых других видов рака у животных, тормозит потерю половой мотивации самцов, предотвращает нарушения полового цикла самок.

Одной из наиболее интересных находок стало обнаружение способности SkQ практически полностью подавлять развитие остеопороза у линии (породы) крыс, генетически предрасположенных к этому заболеванию. По мнению врачей-практиков уже одно это, при воспроизведении эффекта для человека, способно оправдать средства, вложенные в проект. Отметим также, что все вышеназванные эффекты вызываются дозами, в сотни тысяч раз меньшими, чем стандартные клинические дозы антиоксидантов, а, следовательно, будущие лекарства на основе ионов Скулачева будут гораздо безопаснее в плане побочных эффектов.

Другой задачей конференции было обсуждение вопроса, вынесенного В.П. Скулачевым в подзаголовок пленарного доклада: «Существуют ли генетические программы полезные для сохранения, изменчивости и экспансии генома, но вредные для индивида?» Сам Владимир Петрович считает старение результатом специальной генетической программы, «созданной» природой для ускорения эволюции. Хочется отметить, что в рамках конференции были предоставлены широкие возможности для критики этой теории. Слово получили специалисты самых разных направлений, считающих старение результатом накопления случайных ошибок. Подводя итоги дискуссии можно констатировать, что высокая эффективность SkQ, формула которого была предсказана Скулачевым именно на основе его теории «феноптоза», является на сегодняшний день самым сильным аргументом в поддержку идеи запрограммированного старения. И этот практический аргумент весьма сложно опровергнуть теоретическими рассуждениями.

Рассмотрению комплекса теоретических и практических проблем современной геронтологии был посвящен доклад проф. В.Н. Анисимова. Автор обратил внимание участников проекта на комплексный характер феномена старения. Сложность, задействованных в его развитии процессов определяет то, что для достижения реального успеха, применение любых средств замедляющих старение должно сопровождаться радикальным изменением образа жизни людей. В частности, последние исследования показали, что даже незначительные нарушения естественного режима освещенности ведет к росту числа онкологических заболеваний.

Работа над проектом ведется в десятках лабораторий, расположенных в нескольких странах. Их эффективная координация не была бы возможной без использования специально разработанной ведущими отечественными специалистами автоматизированной системы управления. Благодаря ей руководитель проекта не выходя из своего кабинета в МГУ может получать свежие научные данные из лабораторий фактически в режиме “on line”. Однако никакие кибернетические системы не могут заменить непосредственного общения ученых. Самое важное при этом обеспечить единство коллектива, не подавляя творческой свободы его членов. Здесь можно вспомнить слова Отто Гана, одного из ведущих участников нацистского ядерного проекта. Узнав об успехах американцев в разработке атомной бомбы, он сказал: «Такое сотрудничество было бы невозможно в Германии. Каждый из нас старался бы доказать, что работа другого не имеет значения».

Результаты работы второй рабочей конференции проекта компании «Митотехнология» показали, что при желании, на российскую почву можно перенести не только передовые научные технологии, но и (что, наверное, более важно) передовой стиль руководства, который собственно и позволяет формировать команды единомышленников, способные решать творческие задачи.

Консультант проекта компании «МИТОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ», к.б.н. В.А. Чистяков

Friday, August 17, 2007

Conference program (in Russian)

«От Homo sapiens к Homo sapiens discatenatus»
(27-28 августа, 2007, МГУ, Воробьевы Горы,
лабораторный корпус Б, ауд. 221)

27 августа
Председатель А.М. Оловников
А. 10.00-11.00 Вводная лекция. В. Скулачев. Существуют ли генетические программы, выгодные для сохранения, изменчивости и экспансии генома, но вредные для индивида?
11.00-11.30 Дискуссия
Б. Острый феноптоз.
1. 11.30-12.00 К. Льюис. Феноптоз бактерий.
12.00-12.30 Перерыв
Председатель К. Льюис
2. 12.30-13.00 Ф. Северин. Феноптоз дрожжей.
3. 13.00-13.30 М. Мошкин. Феноптоз у животных: гибель самцов сумчатых мышей после гона и другие примеры.
4. 13.30-14.00 Д. Зоров. Антифеноптическая активность SkQ при инфаркте почки и инсульте.
14.00-16.00 Перерыв
В. Старение как медленный феноптоз.
Председатель В.Н. Анисимов
1. 16.00-16.30 А.Оловников. Можно ли создать долгоиграющую мышь? Геном и парагеном. Парагеном – материальный носитель программы продолжительности жизни.
2. 16.30-17.00 В. Голуб. Зимняя спячка и скорость индивидуального развития.
3. 17.00-17.30 Н. Гаврилова. Летаргия, зимняя спячка и старение.
4. 17.30-18.00 А. Рязанов. eEF2-киназа: фермент, ускоряющий старение.
5. 18.00-18.30 К. Храпко. Митохондриальные гипотезы старения.

28 августа
Председатель Б.В. Черняк
Г. Pro и contra
1. 10.00-10.30 Л. Гаврилов. Старение: теория надежности и концепция феноптоза.
2. 10.30-11.00 И. Попов. Польза и вред эволюции.
3. 11.00-11.30 А. Рязанов. Старение и апоптоз.
4. 11.30-12.00 П. Чумаков. Анти- и прооксидантные свойства белка р53 и его роль в старении.
12.00-12.30 Перерыв
Председатель А.Г. Рязанов
5. 12.30-13.00 А. Хохлов. Pro и contra в гипотезе о старении как программе.
6. 13.00-13.30 В. Анисимов. Горячие точки современной геронтологии.
7. 13.30-14.00 А.Кондрашов. Могла ли эволюция создать генетические программы вредные для индивида?
8. 14.00-15.00. Общая дискуссия

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Longevity Secrets of Academicians (Izvestiya - Nauka)

A Story published in the major Russian newspaper:



Темы дня: • Теория внеземного происхождения жизни получила новое подтверждениеБиологи нашли ответ на генную "загадку 1%"Создается самолет, не имеющий ничего общего с обычными лайнерамиСоздана "дикая" дорожка для активации скрытых возможностей мозгаУченый доказал возможность путешествия во времениПочему войны во льдах Арктики не будетРоссияне первыми дошли на Северном полюсе до дна-->Один из непреложных законов цивилизации во все времена и у всех народов - уважение к старикам. Речь сейчас не о гуманной поддержке тех, кто в преклонном возрасте стал слабее. Человек, выбирая решение, прислушивается к мнению старших по возрасту. Синклиты старейшин в том или ином виде существовали и существуют в любом обществе. Как бы мы ни критиковали Академию наук, она тоже является советом старейшин в современном виде. На собраниях РАН, если отвлечься от прений, бросается в глаза, что это собрание российских аксакалов, которые в большинстве своем бодры и телом, и разумом. И возникает вопрос: нет ли зависимости между здоровьем человека и его интеллектом? Может быть, лучший способ сохранить здоровье - усердно учиться и часто думать? Терпеливые живут дольше В вопросе о зависимости между интеллектом и здоровьем надо избежать хитрых логических ловушек и отказаться от ряда соблазнительных аргументов. Первое - обойтись без имен. Отдельные примеры ничего не решают. Платон был гений мысли и олимпийский чемпион. Стивен Хокинг - тоже гений, но полный инвалид. Корректным может быть только статистический анализ. Кстати, известно, что у 30-50% долгожителей в роду встречались долгожители. Но сказать, что на первом месте генетическая предрасположенность, опять же трудно, потому что в семье сохраняется образ жизни и среда обитания... И второе - не надо путать причину со следствием. Умные люди ведут более здоровый образ жизни - это и дураку ясно. Кроме того, есть профессии, успех в которых зависит от возраста. Кто выживает - тот идет дальше. Возраст -выталкивающая сила к признанию. В США самая высокая продолжительность жизни у членов Верховного суда, которыми изначально становятся почти старцы. Исследований не было, но, уверен, еще выше средний возраст у иерархов церкви. Чемпионы среди чемпионов - римские папы и патриархи, из чего вовсе не следует, что святость и безгрешие напрямую связаны с долгожительством. Высокий средний возраст членов Академии наук тоже отчасти связан с тем, что избирают в нее не рьяных кандидатов наук, а тех, кто пережил конкурентов. Важно и то, что все эти звания - пожизненные, а самым важным стимулом к жизни, если вспомнить данные о том, что толкает людей к эвтаназии, являются востребованность и самостоятельность в пожилые годы. У дураков хилая грудь 30 лет назад ученые Гарвардского университета взяли под контроль группу из 700 семилетних детей. Было обследовано здоровье и одновременно проведен тест на умственное развитие. Наблюдения не прерывались, и недавно были обнародованы результаты второго осмотра. Дети, показавшие в 7 лет высокие умственные способности, во взрослом возрасте отличались более крепким здоровьем. Напротив, те, кто в первом классе не блистал умом, выросли хилыми. И уж тем более будущему академику не помешает быть здоровым: одни нагрузки в аспирантуре чего стоят. Интересен список болезней у людей с неблестящим интеллектом: сахарный диабет, астма, рак и сердечно-сосудистые заболевания. Впрочем, мне кажется, что и для Невтонов список такой же. И не надо научный огород городить, чтобы понять, что умные дети дальше пойдут по жизни, получат лучшее образование, более оплачиваемую работу и хорошее медобслуживание. Богатые свое драгоценное здоровье обычно не транжирят, а стерегут всяческими способами, в том числе избегая вредных привычек. Чтобы устранить этот недостаток, масштабное исследование провел Британский совет. Под контроль была поставлена 1 тысяча человек из разных социальных групп и профессий. Выяснилось, что смертность людей, которые всю жизнь постоянно работают головой, в 4 раза ниже по сравнению с теми, чей мозг не испытывал особой нагрузки. Ученые подчеркивают: важна постоянная интеллектуальная нагрузка, а не просто высокий IQ, который дается каждому природой. Но кто-то возразит: можно работать головой, быть здоровым - и дать дуба в один момент. Самый неоспоримый показатель здоровья - долгожительство. В 2007 году самые авторитетные издания New York Times, Washington Post, New Scientist уделили много места результатам, быть может, самой интересной и полной работы о факторах, которые влияют на продолжительность жизни. Эта работа сделана в университете Чикаго по программе Национального института здоровья США российскими учеными Леонидом и Натальей Гавриловыми, которые 10 лет назад уехали из России и обосновались за границей. Методологически это самый чистый из всех известных эксперимент, поскольку Гавриловым удалось исключить социальный фактор, искажавший все прежние результаты. Российские научные эмигранты обратили внимание на то, что сами американцы по привычке упускали из виду: в интернете в открытом доступе выложены подробнейшие данные всех переписей населения США, которые проводятся каждые 10 лет. Кроме того, в ход пошли результаты антропометрических исследований, выполненных во время Первой мировой войны поголовно среди американцев до 30 лет. Мама должна быть молодая В июле 2007 года Леонид и Наталья Гавриловы приехали с докладом в Санкт-Петербург на крупную международную конференцию по геронтологии. Затем побывали в МГУ, где договорились о совместных работах с командой академика Владимира Скулачева, который ведет изнурительную и захватывающую погоню за геном смерти. О работе четы Гавриловых "Известия" узнали из первых рук. Итак, чем по статистике определяется доживаемость человека до 100 лет? Самый важный фактор - возраст матери. Если мама младше 25 лет, у ребенка в 2 раза выше шансов стать долгожителем, чем у братьев и сестер. Порядковый номер ребенка роли не играет, главное - возраст матери. Даже для стариков после 70 лет важно, молода ли в незапамятные года была мама. А вот с возрастом отца статистической зависимости не найдено. Любопытно, что недавнее исследование в европейских королевских домах установило необъяснимую закономерность: у пожилых отцов дочери живут на 4 года меньше. Но это локальный и статистически недостоверный результат. Какие гипотезы? Чтобы выяснить истину, гипотез должно быть много - иначе наука не работает. Может быть, первые яйцеклетки по качеству лучше, чем последующие. У млекопитающих расходуются яйцеклетки по очередности вызревания. В 2005 году сходный результат был получен на мышах: первые яйцеклетки лучше. Это имеет эволюционный смысл - второго шанса получить потомство природа может не предоставить. Есть по другому, правда, поводу английская поговорка - best eggs use first. Хотя и договорились, удержаться трудно: Менделеев был 14-м ребенком в семье, Линкольн и Ленин тоже из многодетных семей. Еще одна версия: чем старше мать, тем больше скрытых инфекций накапливается в ее организме. И это отражается на внутриутробном развитии ребенка, когда запускаются скрытые хронические воспаления. Худоба и жизнь в деревне - залог здоровья Чтобы стать долгожителем, надо следить за фигурой. Статистика утверждает: не важно, нормальный ты или чуть худой, но нельзя быть толстым. Ожирение даже на 10-15% катастрофически снижает шансы стать долгожителем. И еще одна закономерность. Если человек провел детство в деревне, шансов стать долгожителем у него значительно выше. Городские жители обречены на раннюю смерть. Важно подчеркнуть, что эти выводы касаются нынешних стариков, а как сложится жизнь у современных горожан и фермеров, науке неведомо. Ожирение влияет не только на продолжительность жизни, но и на интеллект, что подтверждено работами французских ученых, которые в течение 5 лет исследовали 2200 мужчин и женщин в возрасте от 32 до 62 лет, выполнявших тесты на умственные способности. Люди нормального и худого сложения выполняют 56% теста, а те, кто страдает ожирением, - лишь 44%. Через 5 лет упитанные граждане опустились еще ниже - до 37,5%. У людей с нормальным весом показатели не изменились. Как ни крути, худым быть выгоднее - и ума палата, и живешь дольше. А еще раньше мы установили: если ты умнее и чаще работаешь головой, то и живешь дольше. Цепочка такая выходит: умный - здоровый - худой - столетний. О холостяках, курильщиках и миллионерах Есть много версий о том, какие факторы влияют на продолжительность жизни. Если проверить их беспристрастной статистикой, выясняется, что все это мифы. Холостяки живут столько же, сколько семейные. Рост, если он в пределах нормы, никак не связан с продолжительностью жизни. И вовсе не элита, и не миллионеры формируют ряды долгожителей, а рядовые обыватели. Отрицательным фактором, это доказано точно, является курение. В самом деле, не могу припомнить, кто из наших академиков курит. Кстати, в США страхование жизни для курящих людей происходит по очень жесткому тарифу. Есть на сей счет два исключения: курение показано при болезни Паркинсона. И после 90 лет связь между возрастом и курением стирается, там уж все едино. А вот умеренное потребление алкоголя снижает смертность, и выпивающих академиков я видел в изобилии. Статистически достоверных данных о том, что жизнерадостные люди живут дольше, не имеется, но отсутствие данных не означает, что это не так. Но как иначе - если от жизни нет радости, то зачем жить? Бессмертие для вождя Исследования по геронтологии активно поддерживались в СССР. Сталин создал для профессора Александра Богомольца в Киеве Институт геронтологии. Но ученый умер, когда был моложе своего покровителя, на что Сталин заметил: "Всех обманул, мерзавец!" В 1980-1990-е годы геронтология отошла на задний план и встала чуть не на одну доску с астрологией, из-за чего Гавриловым пришлось искать научный трамплин за границей. Но вовсе не астрологией, а сезонными колебаниями витаминов и инфекций объясняется то, что в США полезнее всего родиться в январе, а хуже всего - в мае. Схожие колебания работают, должно быть, и в России. Впрочем, сейчас в России геронтология вновь на почетном счету. Последняя идея: исследовать старение по моделям теории надежности для машин академика Колмогорова с учетом того, что ребенок может рождаться с исходными дефектами. Самый большой остроумец современности сказал одну умную вещь: что с человеком ни делай, он упорно ползет на кладбище. Но скорость разная и маршруты тоже. И вообще установлено, что люди похожи на вино: некоторые с возрастом превращаются в уксус, другие становятся еще лучше. Думать надо почаще - здоровее будешь.
Ссылки по теме:

Академик Борис Черток: Достижения космонавтики должны восхищать не ученых, а политических лидеров

Сплав академика Фридляндера

Виталий Гинзбург удостоен ордена "За заслуги перед Отечеством" I степени История первая: академик Борис Черток, 95 лет, конструктор космических кораблей Каждый день к 8 утра он приходит на работу в родную Ракетно-космическую корпорацию "Энергия" имени Королева. Или на лекции в МГТУ имени Баумана. Патриарх космонавтики последний из замов Королева. Последний, кто был с главным на "ты", на Байконуре они жили в одном домике. В молодости был загребным в заводской команде по академической гребле. Был высок и поджар. Занимался альпинизмом, водным туризмом. В прошлом году с рюкзаком обошел Соловки. Плавает в Пироговском водохранилище. Курил много, но несколько лет назад по совету врачей бросил. Выпить в хорошей компании под хорошую закуску не прочь и сейчас, что помогает сохранять вкус к жизни. Запоем читает прессу, следит за новинками. Некоторое время назад академик всю ночь, не сумев оторваться, читал роман Дэна Брауна. Академик Черток - заядлый автомобилист, по-прежнему сам за рулем, "ямщиков"», как говорит, не любит. Недавно пересел с "Волги" на "Тойоту". Сыновья и внуки считали, что трудность управления "Волгой" - гарантия его безопасности. Но академик решил осваивать современную технику. Теперь внуки идут на новую хитрость - не меняют сезонную резину, чтобы дед меньше зимой ездил. Свое пристрастие к автовождению академик объясняет тем, что за рулем чувствует себя совершенно свободным. Работает каждый день, потому что работа, как он говорит, является лучшим тренажером духа, тела и мозгов. Черток - замечательный, остроумный собеседник. Особенно интересуется перспективами развития общества и космонавтики в будущем. История вторая: академик Иосиф Фридляндер, 94 года, создатель ядерных центрифуг Каждое утро он приходит во Всероссийский институт авиационных материалов, где проработал всю жизнь. Академик Фридляндер создал алюминиевые сплавы, из которых построены поколения наших самолетов, а также центрифуги для обогащения урана, без чего невозможно получить ядерное топливо для АЭС и материал для атомных бомб. В США так и не удалось создать такие центрифуги. Они отличаются феноменальными характеристиками - на скорости 1500 оборотов в минуту без остановок вращаются по 30 лет. Ирония в том, что создатель центрифуг превосходит их по прочности. В студенческие годы в МВТУ много занимался боксом. Был высок и жилист. Особенно хорош у будущего академика был хук справа. Он и сейчас с воодушевлением вспоминает, как было приятно стоять над рухнувшим на ринг противником. Тренер уговаривал: "Иосиф, брось учебу. Спорт лучше науки. Будешь сильным - никто дураком не назовет". Продолжал заниматься спортом всю жизнь - волейбол, туризм, плавание. В сталинские времена, когда над ним навис арест, по ночам, чтобы успокоиться, на лыжах накручивал десятки километров. Сейчас каждое утро час занимается с гантелями весом в 3 кг. По два часа в день гуляет. Чтобы сохранить ясность мышления, по рецепту академика Фридляндера, надо оставаться оптимистом в любой ситуации. Никогда не курил, но от рюмки в компании по поводу не отказывался. И сейчас академик во время обеда считает полезным выпить бокал красного вина. До сих пор умеет привлечь внимание женщин, обладая особым искусством с блеском в глазах говорить им изысканные комплименты. Подшучивает над собой, что остается завидным женихом, хотя очень давно и счастливо женат. Работы не сторонится, но, напротив, считает, что она дает силы для жизни и делать ее надо с сердцем и душой. История третья: академик Виталий Гинзбург, 91 год, лауреат Нобелевской премии До 85 лет в Физическом институте им.П.Н.Лебедева РАН (ФИАН) вел знаменитые на весь мир теоретические семинары, до сих пор занимается активной общественной работой и агитирует за научное мышление. Спортом никогда не занимался, был к нему на редкость равнодушен. Однажды жена, мастер спорта по плаванию, затащила будущего академика в горы, но ей самой же пришлось нести рюкзак. Всякой физической работы, дома или на даче, будучи по природе теоретиком, он всегда сторонился. Работал только с бумагами, но увлекался идеями настолько, что адреналин в крови, как сам признавался, буквально бурлил. Академик Гинзбург считает, что ему привалило счастье, потому что работа и хобби для него совпали. Единственное исключение: 25 лет подряд проводил отпуск на Ладожском озере, где нашел увлечение, не связанное с физикой, - ловля рыбы на блесну. В 30 лет был высок и строен, как кипарис. Никогда не курил. Но выпить мог с удовольствием и очень много, не пьянея. Любимое блюдо - бутерброды. Напиток - молоко.
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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Anti-Aging Doctor Cleared of Wrongdoing in Federal Indictment

Anti-Aging Doctor Cleared of Wrongdoing in Federal Indictment

Aug 10, 2007 06:11 PM

Well-known Nevada medical oncologist and anti-aging physician, James Forsythe M.D., H.M.D. was cleared today of any wrong doing in a thirty month federal investigation and criminal indictment by the Federal Drug Administration and the U.S. Attorney's office into the use of human growth hormone.

"It was unfortunate that this investigation was ever initiated. Everyone now understands that questioning the use of human growth hormone was terribly misguided, and I am grateful to be vindicated.", says Forsythe.

Dr. Forsythe's attorney Kevin Mirch says not only has justice been served but the FDA has requested that Forsythe author the very first protocols for the use of human growth hormone in the medical community across the nation.

"This is the first time in the history of the FDA that they have asked a doctor in private practice to draw up the guidelines for using a drug," says Mirch, and adds, "This is a complete reversal of their original intentions when they went after my client two years ago."

The 68 year-old Forsythe has been a pioneer in integrative therapies and wellness medicine for more than thirty years. His Century Wellness Clinic and Cancer Screening and Treatment Center of Nevada have drawn thousands of patients from all over the world and have also turned Forsythe into an educator in his own profession.

"There is far too much misunderstanding in the medical establishment as to the efficacy of a number of alternative therapies such as hormone replacement therapy." says Forsythe. "I'm sure this has been a learning experience for the FDA and the federal government and I am looking forward to working with the FDA in educating medical professionals and regulatory officials as to the best uses for human growth hormone.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bacteria 'do not cut short life'

Bacteria 'do not cut short life'

The theory that bacteria hasten our death has been questioned by research suggesting living in a sterile world would not boost life expectancy.

It has been thought that the immune system response provoked by even harmless bacteria speeds up the ageing process by using up vital energy.

But a study of fruit flies kept in a bacteria-free environment showed they did not outlive their grubby siblings.

The University of Southern California study appears in Cell Metabolism.

The question is, if it's not bacteria that limit life span, then what is it?
Dr John Tower
University of Southern California

The researchers admit their experiment cannot be replicated in higher organisms, which need bacteria for proper digestion and other functions.

But they said the result in flies still may be relevant to human ageing research.

In both flies and humans, the number of bacteria living on the organism increases with age.

The innate immune response to bacteria is similar in flies and humans, and it loses strength with age in both species.

But the study suggests these factors may have nothing to do with ageing.

False assumptions

Lead researcher Dr Steven Finkel said: "I think a lot of people would just assume that if you're increasing bacterial load in an ageing human, it must be bad.

"It might not just be bad, it just might be. Prior to this study, I would not have thought that."

His colleague Dr John Tower said "It's a surprise.

"Even though the flies were accumulating so much bacteria and a robust immune response to that bacteria, it's not limiting how long the flies live.

"The question is, if it's not bacteria that limit life span, then what is it?"

The researchers compared normal fruit flies to specimens born from eggs washed in antibiotic, raised in an axenic (bacteria-free) environment, and given disinfected food throughout their lives.

A third group of flies was raised with bacteria and disinfected in adulthood.

Samples taken from the flies throughout their life confirmed that the axenically-grown flies stayed free from bacteria, while bacteria counts in the normal flies increased dramatically at they got older.

But all the flies lived for approximately three months.

Lorna Layward, of the Help the Aged biomedical Research into Ageing Programme, said the study was interesting.

But she said: "Humans don't live in a world free of infection - we are bombarded with bacteria every day of our lives.

"We know that the older we become the more vulnerable we are to infection.

"Our immunity declines with age, and with an increasingly ageing society, it is important that we research ways to improve the ability to fight infection."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/08/10 23:06:08 GMT


Friday, August 10, 2007

95% of people get Mononucleosis during their lifetimes

Don't Kiss and Swell: Managing Mono
'Kissing Disease' Threatens Many College Students Each Fall
Aug. 8, 2007 —

In coming weeks, a new batch of freshman will set off for their first year of college. Awaiting them will be the stresses of class work, the anxiety of living away from home -- and the promise of new relationships.

But for a few unlucky students each year, the first semester also brings a cold, followed by fatigue that they just can't seem to shake.

Is it too many all-nighters cramming for exams? Too many parties? Not enough coffee?

For most, the answer is probably one of these. But for a few, the explanation may be mononucleosis.

What Is Mononucleosis?
Mononucleosis, also known as "mono" or the "kissing disease," is an infection often associated with teenagers, but it also occurs in children.

As can probably be guessed from its intimate moniker, locking lips with an infected person is the most notorious way to contract this disease -- a feature that makes it a natural scourge of college campuses.

However, children and young adults can also become infected by sharing food or drinks, or even simply through close contact with someone who is infected. For this reason, mononucleosis often spreads within families.

But what is the culprit behind this illness?

Most often this disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which infects white blood cells and causes a sore throat, swollen glands, fever and fatigue in teenagers. Once a person is infected with Epstein-Barr, the virus stays in their white blood cells for life.

Mono is not a rare disease, as 95 percent of people will get it during their lifetimes. By age of 5, about 50 percent of children in the United States have already been infected.

Unfortunately, since Epstein-Barr stays in a person's cells for life, anyone who has been infected in the past can pass the virus to someone else -- even if they have recovered from mono. Because of this, preventing infection is almost impossible.

The Symptoms
In kids, mono is a very mild disease and is usually mistaken for the common cold. A second wave of Epstein-Barr infection strikes young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 who did not get the infection when they were younger.

This disease pops up frequently on college campuses, where one out of every 200 students gets mono each year.

When teenagers get mono, they get the more serious version of the disease. They may suffer from swollen glands, sore throat, fever and fatigue. Some teens will experience headaches, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Most of these symptoms go away within two or three weeks, but the accompanying fatigue can last for several months.

Though there is no treatment per se for mono, most people recover without any complications. Antibiotics, however, do not help treat mono and may make matters worse; some even cause an itchy skin rash if taken during an Epsein-Barr infection.

When the 'Kissing Disease' Gets Dangerous
Half of young adults who get mono develop an enlarged spleen, which can cause abdominal discomfort. Doctors can determine through a physical exam if your spleen has become enlarged. The spleen should return to normal size in four to six weeks and cause no long-term problems.

However, a patient with mono needs to be very careful if their spleen becomes enlarged. There is a danger of spleen rupture and internal bleeding if the spleen is injured while enlarged.

For this reason, teens diagnosed with mono must avoid contact sports -- or other activities that carry a risk of trauma -- for about six weeks. A ruptured spleen is a life-threatening emergency that usually requires surgery to remove the spleen and stop the bleeding.

Mono can also cause swelling of the tonsils. This is usually not a problem, but if the swelling is severe, it can obstruct airways to the extent that a person cannot breathe. This is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. Sufferers should call 911 or get to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible.

People with immune systems weakened by HIV infection or certain medications must also be aware that they have an increased risk for long-term complications from Epstein-Barr infection. In these people, Epstein-Barr can take advantage of the weak immune system to start growing out of control in white blood cells.

Rarely, Epstein-Barr can also cause lymphoma -- a cancer of white blood cells -- in people who have weakened immune systems.

Many studies have sought a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr, but no link has yet been established. Chronic fatigue syndrome may be caused by another, potentially unidentified infection.

Dr. Todd Wills is an assistant professor of infectious diseases and international medicine at the University of South Florida, and is the assistant clinical director of the university's signature interdisciplinary program in allergy, immunology and infectious disease.

Copyright © 2007 ABC News Internet Ventures

Thursday, August 9, 2007

To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk: study

To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk: study

Part of an ongoing study into the impact of drinking milk after heavy weightlifting has found that milk helps exercisers burn more fat.

The study by researchers at McMaster University and published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was conducted by the Department of Kinesiology’s Exercise Metabolism Research Group, lead by Stuart Phillips.

The researchers took three groups of young men 18 to 30 years of age – 56 in total – and put them through a rigorous, five-day-per-week weightlifting program over a 12-week period. Following their workouts, study participants drank either two cups of skim milk, a soy beverage with equivalent amounts of protein and energy, or a carbohydrate beverage with an equivalent amount of energy, which was roughly the same as drinking 600 to 700 milliliters of a typical sports drink.

Upon the study’s conclusion, researchers found that the milk drinking group had lost nearly twice as much fat - two pounds - while the carbohydrate beverage group lost one pound of fat. Those drinking soy lost no fat.

At the same time, the gain in muscle was much greater among the milk drinkers than either the soy or carbohydrate beverage study participants. “The loss of fat mass, while expected, was much larger than we thought it would be,” says Phillips, associate professor of kinesiology at McMaster. “I think the practical implications of these results are obvious: if you want to gain muscle and lose fat as a result of working out, drink milk.”

As reported in the first phase of the study, the milk drinking group came out on top in terms of muscle gain with an estimated 40 per cent or 2.5 pounds more muscle mass than the soy beverage drinkers. In addition, this group gained 63 per cent or 3.3 pounds, more muscle mass than the carbohydrate beverage drinkers. “I think the evidence is beginning to mount,” says Phillips. “Milk may be best known for its calcium content in supporting bone health, but our research, and that of others, continually supports milk’s ability to aid in muscle growth and also promote body fat loss. To my mind – with milk being a source of nine essential nutrients – it’s a no brainer: milk is the ideal post-workout drink for recreational exercisers and athletes alike.”

Source: McMaster University

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Diabetes problems 'vitamin link'

Diabetes problems 'vitamin link'

A simple vitamin deficiency may be the cause of many of the side effects of diabetes, a study suggests.

Researchers found people with the disease expelled thiamine - vitamin B1 - from their bodies at 15 times the normal rate in a study of 94 people.

The Warwick University team said thiamine helped ward off complications such as heart disease and eye problems, the Diabetologia journal said.

Experts said diet supplements could potentially help people with diabetes.

Supplementing diets could be an effective way of minimising the risk of these complications
Professor Paul Thornalley, lead researcher

It is the first time a deficiency of the vitamin, which is found in meat, yeast and grains, has been identified in people with diabetes.

It has been missed in the past because of the way thiamine levels were measured.

Traditionally, the activity of an enzyme called transketolase in red blood cells has been used to indicate thiamine levels.

But the researchers found that increased activity - usually a sign of high thiamine levels - was also associated with the body's response to deficiency.

Instead, the team measured thiamine levels in blood plasma and found concentrations were 76% lower in people with type 1 diabetes and 75% lower in people with type 2.

Thiamine is key to warding off vascular problems such as kidney, retina and nerve damage as well as heart disease and stroke.

It works by helping protect cells against the effect of high glucose levels.

Trials are now being carried out to see if supplementing diet with thiamine could return levels to normal.


Lead researcher Professor Paul Thornalley said: "It is early days, but it could have a huge difference.

"Supplementing diets could be an effective way of minimising the risk of these complications."

Matt Hunt, of Diabetes UK, which helped to fund the study, said more research was needed.

But he added: "The study could potentially have very exciting outcomes.

"Around 80% of people with diabetes die of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the UK's working age population.

"Therefore, any research that could help must be looked at seriously."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/08/07 23:05:27 GMT


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Coffee 'protects female memory'

Coffee 'protects female memory'

Caffeine may help older women ward off mental decline, research suggests.

French researchers compared women aged 65 and older who drank more than three cups of coffee per day with those who drank one cup or less per day.

Those who drank more caffeine showed less decline in memory tests over a four year period.

The study, published in the journal Neurology, raises the possibility that caffeine may even protect against the development of dementia.

It might be that caffeine could slow the dementia process
Dr Karen Ritchie
French National Institute for Health and Medical Research

The results held up even after factors such as education, high blood pressure and disease were taken into account.

Caffeine is a known psychostimulant, but this study appears to suggest its effects may be more profound.

However, lead researcher Dr Karen Ritchie of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research warned against jumping to premature conclusions.

She said: "While we have some ideas as to how this works biologically, we need to have a better understanding of how caffeine affects the brain before we can start promoting caffeine intake as a way to reduce cognitive decline.

"But the results are interesting - caffeine use is already widespread and it has fewer side effects than other treatments for cognitive decline, and it requires a relatively small amount for a beneficial effect."

The study, which involved 7,000 women, did not find that caffeine consumers had lower rates of dementia.

Women 'more sensitive'

Dr Ritchie said: "We really need a longer study to look at whether caffeine prevents dementia; it might be that caffeine could slow the dementia process rather than preventing it."

She said it was not clear why the protective effect did not seem to apply to men.

"Women may be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Their bodies may react differently to the stimulant, or they may metabolize caffeine differently."

Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said that with no cure for Alzheimer's disease yet available, research into possible protective factors was important, particularly as the disease is expected to become more common.

She said: "This study does not suggest that caffeine actually lowers rates of dementia in women, but since memory seems improved, it may be that it is slowing it down.

"However, research over a much longer period is still needed to establish fully what the affects of caffeine are in both men and women and whether it could reduce a person's risk of dementia or slow down its progress."

Dr Susanne Sorensen, head of research at the Alzheimer's Society, said drinking coffee and tea had both been tipped as possible ways of delaying the onset of dementia.

However, she said: "These types of studies are complex because coffee and tea drinking can be linked to so many other social and life style factors."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/08/07 06:45:02 GMT


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Obesity 'contagious', experts say

Obesity 'contagious', experts say
Having a friend, sibling or spouse who is overweight raises a person's risk of being obese too, US researchers say.

They said data on more than 12,000 people suggested the risk was increased by 57% if a friend was obese, by 40% if a sibling was and 37% if a spouse was.

They argued this showed social factors, such as the body sizes of other people, were important in developing obesity.

Experts said the New England Journal of Medicine study was not conclusive as other hidden factors could be to blame.

People come to think that it is OK to be bigger since those around them are bigger
Professor Nicholas Christakis

Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, in San Diego, looked at data collected over 32 years as part of a heart study.

Participants gave personal information, including their body mass index, and the names of friends who could be contacted.

'Causal relationship'

The authors were able to map social connections including both friends and family members.

The effects were generally larger between people of the same sex.

And their analysis suggested that the links could not be solely attributed to similarities in lifestyle and environment, for example the impact of friends existed even where friends lived in different regions.

The statistics may be meaningful, but in real life this is not very helpful to people who are overweight
Professor Andrew Hill

Author Professor Nicholas Christakis said: "It's not that obese or non-obese people simply find other similar people to hang out with.

"Rather, there is a direct, causal relationship. What appears to be happening is that a person becoming obese most likely causes a change of norms about what counts as an appropriate body size.

"People come to think that it is OK to be bigger since those around them are bigger, and this sensibility spreads."

Moral support

Dr Richard Suzman, director of the National Institute of Aging's Behavioral and Social Research Programme, said the finding could have important implications.

He said: "This seminal study breaks important new ground in showing how social networks may amplify other factors and help account for the dramatic increase in obesity across the [US] population."

Dr Ian Campbell, medical director of charity Weight Concern, said it was no surprise that people who are obese tended to be friends with others who were obese, but that the fact that the link was more important between friends than siblings was "very interesting".

He said this suggested that social factors were even more important than physical ones in obesity.

He added that, on the positive side, if overweight people had friends who were obese, they could offer moral support to help each other lose weight.


But Professor Andrew Hill, of the University of Leeds, said it was purely speculation to suggest that people's body images change because their friends become obese.

And he said it was important not to forget things which are known as key factors in obesity, such as diet and exercise.

"The statistics may be meaningful, but in real life this is not very helpful to people who are overweight.

"We don't have an understanding of what is really causing the relationship - it might be very complicated."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/07/26 00:29:51 GMT


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hibernation, Aging and Longevity


I would greatly appreciate an advice from knowledgeable people on the effects of lethargic sleep on human aging and longevity. I have tried to search for scientific literature on this topic, but found mostly studies on the effects of hibernation in animal models (see below, listed in reversed chronological order).

If you know more direct studies and publications on this topic (effects of lethargic sleep on human aging and longevity), please advise by posting a comment here (see the end of this post for comment option).

Thank you!

Selected list of scientific publications on the effects of Lethargic Sleep (Hibernation) on Aging and Longevity

: A skeletochronological study of age, growth and longevity in a population of the frog Rana ridibunda from southern Europe.
Zoology (Jena). 2007 Jul 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Kyriakopoulou-Sklavounou P, Stylianou P, Tsiora A.
Department of Zoology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Box 134, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Age at sexual maturity and longevity in a population of Rana ridibunda from north-eastern Greece were studied by skeletochronology performed on the phalanges. Analysis of the age structure was based on counting the lines of arrested growth (LAGs). Sexual maturity for both sexes arises during the first year or after the first hibernation. Ages ranged from 1 to 5 years (mean=2.96) among 52 males and from 1 to 5 years (mean=3.73) among 56 females. The mean snout-vent length was 69.03+/-12.6mm in males and 82.38+/-13.27mm in females. The difference between the sexes in age and size was significant. Growth of individuals was fitted on The von Bertalanffy model. The growth coefficient (K) was 0.57 in males and 0.54 in females, mainly due to faster male growth between metamorphosis and maturation.
PMID: 17628458

2: Black bear femoral geometry and cortical porosity are not adversely affected by ageing despite annual periods of disuse (hibernation).
J Anat. 2007 Feb;210(2):160-9.
McGee ME, Miller DL, Auger J, Black HL, Donahue SW.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931,USA.
Disuse (i.e. inactivity) causes bone loss, and a recovery period that is 2-3 times longer than the inactive period is usually required to recover lost bone. However, black bears experience annual disuse (hibernation) and remobilization periods that are approximately equal in length, yet bears maintain or increase cortical bone material properties and whole bone mechanical properties with age. In this study, we investigated the architectural properties of bear femurs to determine whether cortical structure is preserved with age in bears. We showed that cross-sectional geometric properties increase with age, but porosity and resorption cavity density do not change with age in skeletally immature male and female bears. These findings suggest that structural properties substantially contribute to increasing whole bone strength with age in bears, particularly during skeletal maturation. Porosity was not different between skeletally immature and mature bears, and showed minimal regional variations between anatomical quadrants and radial positions that were similar in pattern and magnitude between skeletally immature and mature bears. We also found gender dimorphisms in bear cortical bone properties: females have smaller, less porous bones than males. Our results provide further support for the idea that black bears possess a biological mechanism to prevent disuse osteoporosis.
PMID: 17261138

3: Of bears, frogs, meat, mice and men: complexity of factors affecting skeletal muscle mass and fat.
Bioessays. 2006 Oct;28(10):994-1009. Review.
Shavlakadze T, Grounds M.
School of Anatomy and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia, 6009, Western Australia.
Extreme loss of skeletal muscle mass (atrophy) occurs in human muscles that are not used. In striking contrast, skeletal muscles do not rapidly waste away in hibernating mammals such as bears, or aestivating frogs, subjected to many months of inactivity and starvation. What factors regulate skeletal muscle mass and what mechanisms protect against muscle atrophy in some species? Severe atrophy also occurs with ageing and there is much clinical interest in reducing such loss of muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia). In the meat industry, a key aim is optimizing the control of skeletal muscle growth and meat quality. The impaired response of muscle to insulin resulting in diabetes, that is a consequence of the metabolic impact of increasing obesity and fat deposition in humans, is also of increasing clinical concern. Intensive research in these fields, combined with mouse models, is reviewed with respect to the molecular control of muscle growth (myogenesis) and atrophy/hypertrophy and fat deposition (adipogenesis) in skeletal muscle, with a focus on IGF-1/insulin signaling. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
PMID: 16998828

4: [Chrological and physiological age of the tick Ixodes ricinus females]
Parazitologiia. 2006 Mar-Apr;40(2):132-9. Russian.
Naumov RL.
Changes of the physiological age in 3 groups of the laboratory reared Ixodes ricinus females were investigated over the period of 6-16 months. The longevity was studied in 27 groups of the tick females from a wild population during 2 seasons of the tick activity. Physiological age of the tick females was determined at the beginning of the study and then monthly till the end of the study. It was established that physiological ageing takes place during the life of the tick, and the ageing of different females is carried out non-uniformly. Physiologically young females (of the second physiological age) in the groups of laboratory reared ticks were occurred right up to 11th month after molting (including 4 months of hibernation in a refrigerator). Ticks of the second physiological age were occurred in the groups from wild populations after one or two periods of hibernation. Hence, in natural conditions some females may be physiologically young both in the first and second seasons of the ticks' activity. On the other hand, physiologically old tick females (of the 4th physiological age) appeared in the groups in a month after molting. The supposition is proposed that the tick population is heterogeneous by the rate of the individual ageing. It means that different specimens differ by the rate of consumption of their storage compounds i.e. by the intensity of metabolism. Such difference may be a cause of the variability in chemical conditions in the gut of the tick being the habitat of Borrelia.
PMID: 16755722

5: Food, fertility and longevity.
Biogerontology. 2006 Jun;7(3):139-41.
Holliday R.
Some animals live in environments in which the food supply fluctuates. When it is scarce these animals do not breed, but invest resources into survival until food is again available, and they can reproduce. Under these circumstances the lifespan can be increased, just as it is after calorie restriction. Other animals have a fairly constant food supply, and it is predicted that these would not have an extended life span if subjected to calorie restriction. Hibernation is a natural form of calorie restriction, and in some cases may lengthen lifespan
PMID: 16676135

6: Parathyroid hormone may maintain bone formation in hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus) to prevent disuse osteoporosis.
J Exp Biol. 2006 May;209(Pt 9):1630-8.
Donahue SW, Galley SA, Vaughan MR, Patterson-Buckendahl P, Demers LM, Vance JL, McGee ME.
Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, 49931, USA.
Mechanical unloading of bone causes an imbalance in bone formation and resorption leading to bone loss and increased fracture risk. Black bears (Ursus americanus) are inactive for up to six months during hibernation, yet bone mineral content and strength do not decrease with disuse or aging. To test whether hibernating bears have biological mechanisms to prevent disuse osteoporosis, we measured the serum concentrations of hormones and growth factors involved in bone metabolism and correlated them with the serum concentration of a bone formation marker (osteocalcin). Serum was obtained from black bears over a 7-month duration that included periods of activity and inactivity. Both resorption and formation markers increased during hibernation, suggesting high bone turnover occurred during inactivity. However, bone formation appeared to be balanced with bone resorption. The serum concentration of parathyroid hormone (PTH) was higher in the hibernation (P=0.35) and post-hibernation (P=0.006) seasons relative to pre-hibernation levels. Serum leptin was lower (P<0.004) p="0.64)">

7: Hibernating bears as a model for preventing disuse osteoporosis.
J Biomech. 2006;39(8):1480-8. Epub 2005 Jun 21.
Donahue SW, McGee ME, Harvey KB, Vaughan MR, Robbins CT.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 309 Minerals and Materials Engineering Building, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, USA.
The hibernating bear is an excellent model for disuse osteoporosis in humans because it is a naturally occurring large animal model. Furthermore, bears and humans have similar lower limb skeletal morphology, and bears walk plantigrade like humans. Black bears (Ursus americanus) may not develop disuse osteoporosis during long periods of disuse (i.e. hibernation) because they maintain osteoblastic bone formation during hibernation. As a consequence, bone volume, mineral content, porosity, and strength are not adversely affected by annual periods of disuse. In fact, cortical bone bending strength has been shown to increase with age in hibernating black bears without a significant change in porosity. Other animals require remobilization periods 2-3 times longer than the immobilization period to recover the bone lost during disuse. Our findings support the hypothesis that black bears, which hibernate for as long as 5-7 months annually, have evolved biological mechanisms to mitigate the adverse effects of disuse on bone porosity and strength.
PMID: 15975583

8: The myth and reality of reversal of aging by hormesis.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Dec;1057:165-76.
Sonneborn JS.
Department of Zoology & Physiology, University of Wyoming, Box 3663, 16th & Gibbon Street, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, USA.
Hormesis is an adaptive response to low doses of otherwise harmful agents by triggering a cascade of stress-specific resistance pathways. Evidence from protozoa, nematodes, flies, rodents, and primates indicate that stress-induced tolerance modulates survival and longevity. "Reality" is that hormesis can prolong the healthy life span. Genetic background provides the potential for longevity duration induced by stress. Senesence, or aging, is generally thought to be due to a different impact of selection for alleles positive for reproduction during early life but harmful in later life, a process called antagonistic pleiotropy (multiple phenotypic changes by a single gene). After reproduction, life span is "invisible" to selection. I propose the revision that mutations selected for survival until reproduction in early life may also extend later life (protagonistic pleiotropy). The protagonist candidate genes for extended life span are hormetic response genes, which activate the protective effect in both early and later life. My revision of the earlier evolutionary theory implies that natural selection of genes critical for early survival (life span until reproduction) can also be beneficial for extended longevity in old age, tipping the evolutionary balance in favor of a latent inducible life span extension unless excess stressor challenge exceeds the protection capacity. Mimetic triggers of the stress response promise the option of tricking the induction of metabolic pathways that confer resistance to environmental challenges, increased healthy life span, rejuvenation, and disease intervention without the danger of overwhelming damage by the stressor. Public policy should anticipate an increase in healthy life span.
PMID: 16399893

9: The tensile strength of black bear (Ursus americanus) cortical bone is not compromised with aging despite annual periods of hibernation.
J Biomech. 2005 Nov;38(11):2143-50.
Harvey KB, Drummer TD, Donahue SW.
Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, USA.
Black bears (Ursus americanus) may not develop disuse osteoporosis during long periods of disuse (i.e. hibernation) because they may be able to maintain bone formation. Previously, we found that cortical bone bending strength was not compromised with age in black bears' tibias, despite annual periods of disuse. Here we showed that cortical bone tensile strength (166-198MPa) also does not decrease with age (2-14 years) in black bear tibias. There were also no significant age-related changes in cortical bone porosity in black bear tibias. It is likely that the ability of black bears to maintain bone formation during hibernation keeps bone porosity low (2.3-8.6%) with aging, notwithstanding annual periods of disuse. This low porosity likely preserves ultimate stress with aging. Female bears give birth and nurse during hibernation; however, we found no significant differences between male and female tensile material properties, mineral content, or porosity. Our findings support the idea that black bears, which hibernate 5-7 months annually, have evolved biological mechanisms to mitigate the adverse effects of disuse on bone porosity and strength.
PMID: 16115638

10: Phosphorylation of the tau protein sequence 199-205 in the hippocampal CA3 region of Syrian hamsters in adulthood and during aging.
Brain Res. 2005 Sep 14;1056(1):100-4.
Hartig W, Oklejewicz M, Strijkstra AM, Boerema AS, Stieler J, Arendt T.
Department of Neurochemistry, Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig, Jahnallee 59, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany.
Paired helical filaments formed by the abnormally phosphorylated microtubule-associated tau are a main sign of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The hippocampal CA3 region, a brain region with a high degree of synaptic plasticity, is known to be strongly involved in tau hyperphosphorylation in several neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, reversible tau phosphorylation was observed during hibernation in European ground squirrels. The present study provides data on the tau phosphorylation status in the hippocampus of euthermic Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), laboratory animals potentially prone to hibernation. Mossy fibers in the CA3 region of all investigated hamsters were immunostained using an antiserum detecting phospho-serine 199 of tau. A similar staining pattern was obtained with CP-13 detecting phospho-serine 202. In contrast, the monoclonal antibody AT8, recognizing both phosphorylated serine 202 and threonine 205, stained the CA3 region only in old hamsters. These findings implicate an additional link between aging, tau phosphorylation and synaptic plasticity. Furthermore, the presented data allow analyses whether tau phosphorylation is reversible in these facultative hibernators and versatile laboratory animal as it was recently shown for the hibernation cycle of European ground squirrels.
PMID: 16095576 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

11: Sperm influences female hibernation success, survival and fitness in the bumble-bee Bombus terrestris.
Proc Biol Sci. 2005 Feb 7;272(1560):319-23.
Baer B, Schmid-Hempel P.
Copenhagen University, Institute of Biology, Department for Population Biology, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.
We present evidence that in the absence of the transfer of male gland compounds in the ejaculate as well as of behavioural male traits, such as mate guarding or harming of females, sperm itself affects female life-history traits such as hibernation success, female longevity and female fitness. Using the bumble-bee Bombus terrestris, we artificially inseminated queens (females) with sperm from one or several males and show that sire groups (groups of brother males) vary in their effects on queen hibernation survival, longevity and fitness. In addition, multiply inseminated queens always had a lower performance as compared to singly inseminated queens. Apart from these main effects, sire groups (in situations of multiple insemination) affected queen longevity and fitness not independently of each other, i.e. certain sire group combinations were more harmful to queens than others. So far, the cause(s) of these effects remain(s) elusive. Harmful male traits as detected here are not necessarily expected to evolve in social insects because males depend on females for a successful completion of a colony cycle and thus have strong convergent interests with their mates.
PMID: 15705558

12: Ageing studies on bats: a review.
Biogerontology. 2004;5(4):211-22. Review.
Brunet-Rossinni AK, Austad SN.
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, P.O.Box 443051, Moscow, ID 83844-3051, USA.
Bat biologists have long known about the exceptional longevity of bats (Order: Chiroptera), which is unusual for mammals of such a small size and a high metabolic rate. Yet relatively few mechanistic studies have focused on this longevity. On average, species of Chiroptera live three times longer than predicted by their body size. In addition, bats have other life history traits that are characteristic of large, long-lived mammals such as few and large offspring and slow growth rates. Bats fit the evolutionary theory of ageing, as their extended longevity is predicted by their ability to escape extrinsic mortality through flight and, in some species, hibernation. They also show tradeoffs between longevity and reproduction, as predicted by the disposable soma theory of ageing. From a physiological perspective, bat longevity reportedly correlates with replicative longevity, low brain calpain activity, and reduced reactive oxygen species production. As long-lived and physiologically interesting organisms, bats may prove to be an informative model system for ageing research.
PMID: 15314271

13: Life history, ecology and longevity in bats.
Aging Cell. 2002 Dec;1(2):124-31.
Wilkinson GS, South JM.
Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA.
The evolutionary theory of aging predicts that life span should decrease in response to the amount of mortality caused by extrinsic sources. Using this prediction, we selected six life history and ecological factors to use in a comparative analysis of longevity among 64 bat species. On average, the maximum recorded life span of a bat is 3.5 times greater than a non-flying placental mammal of similar size. Records of individuals surviving more than 30 years in the wild now exist for five species. Univariate and multivariate analyses of species data, as well as of phylogenetically independent contrasts obtained using a supertree of Chiroptera, reveal that bat life span significantly increases with hibernation, body mass and occasional cave use, but decreases with reproductive rate and is not influenced by diet, colony size or the source of the record. These results are largely consistent with extrinsic mortality risk acting as a determinant of bat longevity. Nevertheless, the strong association between life span and both reproductive rate and hibernation also suggests that bat longevity is strongly influenced by seasonal allocation of non-renewable resources to reproduction. We speculate that hibernation may provide a natural example of caloric restriction, which is known to increase longevity in other mammals.
PMID: 12882342 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

14: Effects of aging and caloric restriction on the gene expression of Foxo1, 3, and 4 (FKHR, FKHRL1, and AFX) in the rat skeletal muscles.
Microsc Res Tech. 2002 Nov 15;59(4):331-4.
Furuyama T, Yamashita H, Kitayama K, Higami Y, Shimokawa I, Mori N.
Department of Molecular Genetics, National Institute for Longevity Sciences (NILS), Aichi, Japan.
In C. elegans, insulin-like hormone signal pathway plays a significant role in longevity. In particular, daf-16 gene product is indispensable factor for this lifespan-extension. This signal pathway is critical for dauer formation, which is a similar state to hibernation in mammals. We examined the expression level of mammalian daf-16 homologues, Foxo 1,3, and 4 (FKHR, FKHRL1, and AFX) mRNAs in the rat skeletal muscles during aging and in 30% caloric restricted of ad libitum fed. The expression level of AFX mRNA was significantly higher at 6 and 12 months than at 3 and 26 months, and FKHRL1 expression was significantly higher at 6 months than at 3 and 26 months but FKHR expression showed no significant change with age. We observed a characteristic expression of AFX and FKHR mRNAs to be significantly higher in the second day in caloric restriction by every-other-day feeding than in ad libitum fed. This suggests that caloric restriction may increase the expression of FKHR-family genes and prevent the aging process in the skeletal muscles. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
PMID: 12424797 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

15: Effects of size and temperature on metabolic rate.
Science. 2001 Sep 21;293(5538):2248-51. Erratum in: Science 2001 Nov 16;294(5546):1463.
Gillooly JF, Brown JH, West GB, Savage VM, Charnov EL.
Department of Biology, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA.
We derive a general model, based on principles of biochemical kinetics and allometry, that characterizes the effects of temperature and body mass on metabolic rate. The model fits metabolic rates of microbes, ectotherms, endotherms (including those in hibernation), and plants in temperatures ranging from 0 degrees to 40 degrees C. Mass- and temperature-compensated resting metabolic rates of all organisms are similar: The lowest (for unicellular organisms and plants) is separated from the highest (for endothermic vertebrates) by a factor of about 20. Temperature and body size are primary determinants of biological time and ecological roles.
PMID: 11567137

-----------THE END----------------

See also:

"Animals that save energy by hibernation or lethargy, for instance bats and hedgehogs, live much longer than those who are always active. This is particularly obvious in closely related animals. Thus, white-toothed and red-toothed shrews can be differentiated by the presence or lack, respectively, of a state of lethargy for saving energy. White-toothed shrews (capable of lethargy) become much older (4-6 years) than their almost equally large red-toothed relations (2-3 years), who are not capable of lethargy."

Cited from:
"Programmed ageing: the theory of maximal metabolic scope"
EMBO Rep. 2005 July; 6(S1): S14-S19. doi: 10.1038/sj.embor.7400425.
Roland Prinzinger, Chair and Head of the Department of Metabolic Physiology at the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

See also:

"Interestingly, some evidence suggests that hibernation retards aging (Lyman et al., 1981; Wilkinson & South, 2002) and certain aspects of the physiological state of caloric restriction resembles hibernation (Walford & Spindler, 1997)."

Cited at p.456 in:
A Critical Evaluation of Nonmammalian Models for Aging Research
Steven N. Austad and Andrej Podlutsky, pp.449-467.
Handbook of the Biology of Aging, 2006

Lyman et al (1981) Hibernation and longevity in the Turkish hamster Mesocricetus bradti. Science, 212, 668-670

Wilkinson G.S. & South J.M., (2002) Life history, ecology and longevity in bats. Aging Cell, 1, 124-131.

Walford R.L.& Spindler S.R., (1997) The response to caloric restriction in mammals shows features also common to hibernation: a cross-adaptation hypothesis. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 52, B179-BB183

Cited from:

Lessons from the differential expression of genes controlling carbon utilization in mammalian hibernators have revealed similarities with hypometabolic states in organisms with well-defined genetics. Similarities among the expression of PDK4 during hibernation, the activation of PDK4 in diabetic (low insulin) rodents (258, 260), and the reduction in glucose-based metabolism due to a defective insulin-like receptor in dormant nematodes (146), suggest a conserved mechanism for the molecular control of carbon utilization in mammalian hibernation and nematode diapause Diapause in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is characterized by increased fat accumulation and arrested development resulting in the dauer larva stage. For periods of up to 6 mo dauer larvae do not feed, show no movement, and undergo a reduction in glucose-based catabolism (reviewed in Ref. 206). When environmental conditions become more favorable, as seen with spring emergence in hibernating mammals, dauer larvae will resume development and are nearly indistinguishable from individuals that have not arrested at the dauer stage. Genetic analysis has shown that a protein homologous to the mammalian insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) receptor, called DAF-2, is a key player in the switch from a normal life cycle to the arrested dauer stage (146). Dauer larvae formation will occur constitutively when a mutation in the daf-2 gene produces a receptor that is defective in the ligand-binding domain. Hence, the inability of an insulin-like ligand to bind DAF-2 leads to a state of dormancy and metabolic rate depression analogous to hibernation in mammals.
Genetic conservation between insulin signaling in mammals and diapause signaling in C. elegans is also seen early in the dauer signal transduction pathway where mutant age-1 alleles cause a dauer constitutive phenotype. The AGE-1 protein is closely related to a family of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic subunits thought to associate with the insulin receptor and provide the next step of the insulin-signaling pathway in mammals (182).

Partial activation of the dauer pathway by various daf-2 and age-1 mutants in C. elegans (reviewed in Refs. 59 and 116) results in an extension of life span similar to that seen in hibernating mammals (166).

A 75% decrease in circulating IGF-I in hibernating golden-mantled ground squirrels (213) suggests a reduction in IGF-I signaling similar to that seen in the long-lived C. elegans mutants. In addition, knock-out mice that are heterozygous null for the IGF-I receptor live 26% longer than their wild-type littermates (130). It is possible that an element of the increased longevity associated with hibernation results from elevated PDK4 activity, which reduces carbohydrate oxidation and thus mimics the life-extending effects of caloric restriction in mammals (251).
Recently, daf-2 mutants have also been shown to confer resistance to hypoxia in C. elegans (215). As with the reversibility of low oxygen consumption during arousal from hibernation in mammals, these hypoxia-resistant mutants (Hyp) fully recover from up to 20 h of extremely low oxygen concentrations (215). Nonetheless, it is interesting that various phenotypes associated with hibernation in mammals are also seen with mutants of a single gene encoding an insulin-like receptor in worms.
The physiological and biochemical changes that occur in mammalian hibernators are similar in some respects to those observed in lower vertebrates and invertebrates that undergo estivation and other forms of dormancy. These include the seasonal deposition of fuel reserves, typically in the form of lipid; the switch from carbohydrate to lipid oxidation during periods of metabolic depression; depression of RNA and protein synthesis and degradation; use of reversible phosphorylation of enzymes and other proteins as means to rapidly control metabolic processes; and evidence of increased oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses in certain tissues (108, 109, 112, 121, 227).


If, as some contend, reduced metabolic rate leads to the (relative) retardation of aging, then the practice of the classic meditative regimen may indeed be associated with significant retardation of aging and/or extension of life span and health span on the basis of much data on the metabolism-lowering effects of meditation. Of particular interest in this regard are studies by researchers from Stanford,19 Harvard,20 Rockefeller University,21 and other research institutions on the special ability of some long-term, virtuoso yoga practitioners to induce and maintain profoundly lowered metabolic rates during meditation, with reductions ranging from 38–64% below resting levels! Such lowered metabolism is actually within the range of hibernating animals,22 and hibernation has been associated with extended longevity in some studies because of lowered metabolism, according to some investigators23 (although not others24).

Reference 24:

J Gerontol. 1991 Mar;46(2):B47-53.Related Articles,Links

Mammalian aging, metabolism, and ecology: evidence from the bats and marsupials.
Austad SN, Fischer KE.
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University.

This study compared trends in body size, life span, metabolic rate, and ecology of bats and marsupials with those from mammals generally, using a 580 species data base. The linear logarithmic relationship between mammalian body mass and maximum longevity, deleting bats and marsupials, is used as a standard against which to measure life spans of particular mammal groups. Bats have maximum life spans a minimum of 3 times those of nonflying eutherians--a trend resulting from neither low basal metabolic rate, the ability to enter torpor, nor large relative brain size. Marsupials live about 80% as long as nonflying eutherians despite averaging lower basal metabolic rates; similarly, there is no effect of heterothermy or relative brain size. These results directly conflict with predictions of both "rate of living" and brain-size mediated theories of aging. However, they are consistent with an evolutionary theory that posits exceptionally long life spans among mammals with reduced environmental vulnerability.